Harrastus hukassa? Pistä päivä kalenteriin ja tule löytämään itsellesi uusi harrastus. Upea mahdollisuus päästä tutustumaan moniin eri harrastusmahdollisuuksiin saman katon alla. Olemme mukana tapahtumassa, tule sinäkin!
Liikkuva Tampere-Päivä is coming again! The Kauppi Sports Center will be filled with happy people on Saturday 20.8 at 10.00-15.00. The aim is to offer children, young people, adults and families in Tampere the opportunity to get to know with the city’s sports offer. At the event, Tampere-based sports actors, clubs and associations will present their own sports activities to audience.
This year, the Liikkuva Tampere event will also serve as the kick-off event of the Valtti activity, which helps children and young people in need of special support find sports.
The biggest goal of the event is for the audience to see, try and get excited about new sports activities!